All Classes and Interfaces

Administrator controller
Public route controller for user authentication and authorization
Base entity Determines the base of the pizza: its size and type of dough
Repository for Entity Base
Service layer of the project for the Base entity
The Entity of the cafe
Repository for Entity Cafe
Cafe Controller
Cafe Service
Configuration of the user password encryption method
The Entity of the Ingredient Ingredients included in the pizza
Repository for Entity Ingredient
Ingredient Service
A class for generating and validating JWT-token
Main controller
Configuration for displaying user uploaded images
Entity user
Users controller
A class required for Spring Security authorization to work correctly
PersonDetail Service
User Repository
Person Service
Pizza Entity Pizza consists of entities: Base + list of Ingredients
Pizza controller
Repository for Entity Base
Pizza service
Main application launch class
Configuration of Spring Security
Controller for displaying the stack of tools and technologies used in project development
Entity for storing and displaying a stack of project technologies
Stack item Service
Entity of the ingredient type Each ingredient has its own type.
Type of ingredient Service
Type of Ingredient Repository